Mad Cow Disease

What is The Nervous System

         The nervous system is an organ system containing special cells called neurons. Neurons control the people and pass signals between different parts of the body. The nervous system consists of the central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System. The central nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system consists of all the nerve cells everywhere else in the body. 

        Neurons send signals to other cells from axons, which causes a synapse. Sensory neurons are activated by physical stimuli. They send signals about the state of the body to the central nervous system. Motor Neurons take the information given to them by the spinal cord or brain and carry out the action by activating muscle fibers to do the task.

Functions of the Nervous System

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       The main function of the nervous system is to simply control the body. It does this by sending signals from one cell to another, or from one part of the body to another. It recieves information from sensory neurons, then processes it in the brain, and passes the information to motor neurons which then carries out the response. The nervous system in humans is so complex that it allows us humans to be able to communicate with language, think about concepts, and do everything that we do in human society.

The Key Organs

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         The key organs in the Nervous System are the brain and Spinal Cord. The Brain and Spinal Cord make up the Central Nervous System. The brain is the center of the nervous system and contains roughly 18-33 billion neurons linked together with about 10,000 synapses for each neuron. The neurons communicate with each other with axons. The brain controls all other organs in the body. It does this by taking in information from the outside with sensory neurons, then moves the body with motor neurons. It is active every second of everyday (as along as your alive), evenwhile you are asleep or in a coma. The brain is made of the cerebellum, the cerebrum, and the medulla. The cerebellum is responsible for all voluntary movement, speech, intelligence, emotions, and information processing. The cerebrum controls a person's balance and movement. The medulla controls all vital operations such as breathing and heart beat.

The other main organ in the nervous system is the spinal cord. The spinal cord connects the brain with all the other nerves in the body. It controls most involuntary actions. Such as when you step on a tack, you immediately pull away. This is because your brain didn't process it as it would be too slow, but your spinal cord.